Joanna York

Jo has worked in the sector for 20 years and always with a focus on residential new build and regeneration schemes. She started off as a certified EcoHomes assessor and moved quickly into the Employer’s Agent role whilst working for a QS practice.

Since joining Baily Garner, Jo has become a Programme Manager and loves to work with her team to deliver a range of projects, whilst encouraging and facilitating her teams individual development aspirations wherever possible.

Jo is now a qualified Project Manager and works on a variety of projects, including large scale regeneration schemes. Jo has a sound contractual knowledge and this, combined with commercial awareness and acumen, means she enjoys working on complex Development Agreements as well as JCT Design and Build contracts.

In addition to her project related work, Jo was responsible for the implementation and roll out of the use of Field View software within the practice, and remains the Field View business lead.